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Odsek za računalniške sisteme (E7)ČLANKI IN DRUGI SESTAVNI DELI1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek1. Franc Novak, "Testability issues of system-on-chip design", Inf. MIDEM, vol. 31, no. 2, str. 84-87, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 16130599]
Gregor Papa, Jurij Šilc, Borut Robič, "Empirical evaluation of heuristic scheduling algorithms used in parallel systems design", Eng.
simul., vol. 18, str.199-215, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Marina Santo-Zarnik, Franc Novak, "On oscillation-based test structures of active RC filters", Int. j. numer., vol. 14, str. 283-288,
Drago Torkar, Nikola Pavešić, Anton Pozne, Stanislav Kovačič, "An uncalibrated robot system for reaching and grasping objects in
unpredictable physical environment", J. Elektr. Eng., vol. 52, str. 329-337, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
1.02 Pregledni znanstveni članek1. Uroš Kač, R. Sedevčič, "Testiranje vezij z vgrajeno IEEE 1149.1 testno infrastrukturo", Svet elektron., let. 9, str. 44-49, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 16484135]
1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci1. Boris Benedičič, Tomaž Kmecl, Gregor Papa, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, "Evolutionary optimization of a universal motor", V: IECON '01, The 27th Annual Conference of the IEEE Industrial Electronics Society, November 29-December 2, 2001, Denver, Colorado, USA, Piscataway, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2001, str. 19-24. [COBISS.SI-ID 16347687]
Goran Dražić, Drago Torkar, "Absestos recognition from TEM-EDXS spetra using artificial neural networks", V: Proceedings, 37th
International Conference on Microelectronics, Devices and Materials and the Workshop on Optoelectronic Devices and Applications, October
10. - 12. 2001, Bohinj, Slovenia, Franc Smole, ur., Marko Topič, ur., Iztok Šorli, ur., Ljubljana, MIDEM - Society for Microelectronics,
Electronic Components and Materials, 2001, str. 323-328. [COBISS.SI-ID
Uroš Kač, R. Sedevčič, Franc Novak, Anton Biasizzo, "Eksperimentalno okolje za vezja z IEEE 1149.1 testno infrastrukturo", V: Zbornik
desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur.,
Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2001, zv. A, str. 33-36. [COBISS.SI-ID
Maisaa Khalil, Chantal Robach, Franc Novak, Alenka Žužek, "System level diagnosis - a comparison of two alternative approaches", V: IEEE
European Test Workshop : proceedings : 29 May-1 June, 2001, Stockholm, Sweden, Los Alamitos, IEEE Computer Society Press, cop. 2001,
str. 89-95. [COBISS.SI-ID
Peter Korošec, Borut Robič, Jurij Šilc, "ALgoritmi za reševanje problema razdelitve", V: Zbornik desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške
konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur., Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija
IEEE, 2001, zv. B, str. 23-26. [COBISS.SI-ID
Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Gregor Papa, Boris Benedičič, Tomaž Kmecl, "Improving the technical quality of a universal motor using and
evolutionary approach", V: Proceedings : 2001: A Net Odyssey, 27th EUROMICRO Conference, September 4-6, 2001, Warsaw, Poland, Los
Alamitos [etc.], IEEE Computer Society, 2001, str. 287-293. [COBISS.SI-ID
Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Gregor Papa, Boris Benedičič, Tomaž Kmecl, "Optimization of the geometry of the rotor and the stator", V: SOR
'01 proceedings, The 6th International Symposium on Operational Research in Slovenia, Preddvor, Slovenia, September 26-28, 2001,
Ladislav Lenart, ur., Lidija Zadnik Stirn, ur., Samo Drobne, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenian Society Informatika, Section for Operational
Research, 2001, str. 213-218. [COBISS.SI-ID
Gregor Papa, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, "Optimizacija geometrije lamele univerzalnega motorja", V: Zbornik desete Elektrotehniške in
računalniške konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur., Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8,
Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2001, zv. B, str. 393-397. [COBISS.SI-ID
Gregor Papa, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Boris Benedičič, Tomaž Kmecl, "Evolutionary performance optimization of a universal motor", V:
MIPRO 2001 : proceedings, 24th international convention, May 21-25, 2001, Opatija, Croatia, Petar Biljanović, ur., Karolj Skala, ur.,
Rijeka, Liniavera, 2001, str. 1-5. [COBISS.SI-ID
Gregor Papa, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Boris Benedičič, Tomaž Kmecl, "Performance optimization of a universal motor using a genetic
algorithm", V: Proceedings, INES 2001, 5th IEEE International Conference on Intelligent Engineering Systems, September 16-18, 2001,
Helsinki, Finland, Béla Pátkai, ur., JJ. Rudas, ur., Tampere, Institute of Production Engineering, Tampere University of Technology, 2001,
str. 477-482. [COBISS.SI-ID
Borut Robič, Jurij Šilc, Theo Ungerer, "Chip multiprocessors - a cost-effective alternative to simultaneous multithreading", V:
Proceedings of the 5th WSES International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2001) [and]Proceedings of
the 3rd WSES International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Physics (MCP 2001) [and] Proceedings of the 3rd WSES International
Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering (MCME 2001) : Rethymno, Greece, July 8-15, 2001, Nikos Mastorakis,
ur., [S.l.], WSES, IEEE, 2001, str. 4601-4606. [COBISS.SI-ID
Jurij Šilc, Borut Robič, Theo Ungerer, "Simultaneous multithreading-blending thread-level and instruction-level parallelism in advanced
microprocessor", V: Proceedings of the 5th WSES International Conference on Circuits, Systems, Communications and Computers (CSCC 2001)
[and]Proceedings of the 3rd WSES International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Physics (MCP 2001) [and] Proceedings of the 3rd
WSES International Conference on Mathematics and Computers in Mechanical Engineering (MCME 2001) : Rethymno, Greece, July 8-15, 2001,
Nikos Mastorakis, ur., [S.l.], WSES, IEEE, 2001, str. 4591-4596. [COBISS.SI-ID
Alenka Žužek, Franc Novak, "AND/OR graphs for design automation problems and testing", V: Zbornik desete Elektrotehniške in računalniške
konference ERK 2001, 24. - 26. september 2001, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur., Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija
IEEE, 2001, zv. A, str. 29-32. [COBISS.SI-ID
1.12 Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci1. Gregor Papa, "Visokonivojska sinteza vezij z genetskimi algoritmi", Inf. MIDEM, str. 123. [COBISS.SI-ID 16163367]
1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji1. Gregor Papa, "Izpopolnjeno evolucijsko načrtovanje integriranih vezij", V: Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji - novo tisočletje, Naravoslovje in tehnika, Urška Florjančič, ur., Aleš Musar, ur., Ljubljana, Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije, 2001, str. 187-200. [COBISS.SI-ID 16461351]
Borut Robič, Jurij Šilc, Theo Ungerer, "Chip multiprocessors - a cost-effective alternative to simultaneous multithreading", V: Advances
in signal processing and computer technologies, (Electrical and computer engineering series), G. Antoniou, ur., N. Mastorakis, ur., O.
Panfilov, ur., [s.l.], WSES Press, 2001, str. 396-401. [COBISS.SI-ID
Jurij Šilc, Borut Robič, Theo Ungerer, "Simultaneous multithreading - blending thread-level and instruction-level parallelism in advanced
microprocessors", V: Advances in signal processing and computer technologies, (Electrical and computer engineering series), G.
Antoniou, ur., N. Mastorakis, ur., O. Panfilov, ur., [s.l.], WSES Press, 2001, str. 338-343. [COBISS.SI-ID
Jurij Šilc, Borut Robič, Theo Ungerer, "Asynchrony in parallel computing : from dataflow to multithreading", V: Progress in computer
research : volume 1, Frank Columbus, ur., Huntington, Nova Science, 2001, str. 1-33. [COBISS.SI-ID
Alenka Žužek, Franc Novak, "Uporaba grafov AND/OR za računalniško načrtovanje in testiranje integriranih vezij", V: Raziskovalno delo
podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji - novo tisočletje, Naravoslovje in tehnika, Urška Florjančič, ur., Aleš Musar, ur., Ljubljana,
Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije, 2001, str. 201-208. [COBISS.SI-ID
MONOGRAFIJE IN DRUGA ZAKLJUČENA DELA2.05 Drugo učno gradivo1. Stanislav Kovačič, Aleš Leonardis, Drago Torkar, Strojni vid v proizvodnji, Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Sefan, Center za prenos znanja na področju informacijskih tehnologij, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 16186663]
2.12 Končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav1. Franc Novak, Anton Biasizzo, Demonstration of a grid-connected coloured PV facade : final report : Jozef Stefan Institute report, appendix B, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 19062823]
2.13 Elaborat, predštudija, študija1. Matej Gomboši, Borut Žalik, Franc Novak, Določanje razlik dveh množic mnogokotnikov, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8485), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 16245287]
Branko Kaučič, Borut Žalik, Franc Novak, Tessellation of quasi regular hexagons, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8378), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Janez Korenini, Roman Trobec, Matjaž Šubelj, Iztok Lesjak, Franc Novak, Željko Moškun, Nadzor in upravljanje kanalizacije Novi Sad -
1986/87, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8375), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Janez Korenini, Roman Trobec, Matjaž Šubelj, Franc Novak, Željko Moškun, Nadzor in upravljanje čistilne naprave Podravska Slatina
1980/81, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8372), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Janez Korenini, Roman Trobec, Matjaž Šubelj, Franc Novak, Željko Moškun, Nadzor in upravljanje kanalizacije Dubrovnik - 1983/84,
(IJS delovno poročilo, 8373), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Gregor Papa, Lamination optimization of a given HEM motor for vacuum cleaners by using genetic algorithms,
(Technical report, 8329), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Marko Lamot, Borut Žalik, Franc Novak, Triangulacija enostavnega mnogokotnika s Steinerjevimi točkami, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8496),
Gregor Papa, DOptiMeL : priročnik za uporabo, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8416), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Gregor Papa, DOptiMeL : users's manual : technical report, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8440), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Gregor Papa, Genetski algoritem, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8417), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
David Podgorelec, Borut Žalik, Franc Novak, A robust implementation of a generalised polygon triangulation, (IJS delovno poročilo,
8350), 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
2.14 Projektna dokumentacija (idejni projekt, izvedbeni projekt)1. Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, Gregor Papa, Postopek za optimizacijo reza univerzalnih motorjev : tehnična izboljšava, Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 17459495]
2.21 Programska oprema1. Gregor Papa, Barbara Koroušić-Seljak, DOptiMeL, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 16492327]
IZVEDENA DELA (DOGODKI)3.25 Druga izvedena dela1. Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Imaging and vision systems: theory, assessment and applications, (Advances in computation, Vol. 9), New York, Nova Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 17622055]
Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Machine that learn to play games, (Advances in computation, Vol. 8), New York, Nova
Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Parallel program development for cluster computing: methodoloy, tools and integrated
environments, (Advances in computation, Vol. 5), New York, Nova Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Scientific computing and applications, (Advances in computation, Vol. 7), New York, Nova
Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Structured matrices: recent advances and applications, (Advances in computation, Vol. 4),
New York, Nova Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
Member of the editorial board: Jurij Šilc, Weak intelligence: through the principle and paradox of multiple knowledge, (Advances in
computation, Vol. 6), New York, Nova Science, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID
SEKUNDARNO AVTORSTVOUrednik1. Journal of Electrical Engineering, Novak Franc (član uredniškega odbora 1999-), Bratislava, The Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Information Technology of the Slovak University of Technology, The Institute of Electrical engineering of the Slovak Academy of Sciences, 1993-, ISSN 1335-3632. [COBISS.SI-ID 4255766]
Pisec recenzij1. Information sciences, Novak Franc (pisec recenzij 2000-), New York, North-Holland, 1968-, ISSN 0020-0255. [COBISS.SI-ID 25613056]
Journal of electronic testing, Novak Franc (pisec recenzij 1994-), Boston, Dordrecht, London, Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1990-,
ISSN 0923-8174. [COBISS.SI-ID
Microprocessors and microsystems, Novak Franc (pisec recenzij 1997-), Guildford, Surrey, Butterworth Scientific Ltd, 1976, ISSN
0141-9331. [COBISS.SI-ID
Journal of systems architecture, Robič Borut (pisec recenzij 1996-), Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1997-), Amsterdam, Lausanne, New
York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo, Elsevier, 1996-, ISSN 1383-7621. [COBISS.SI-ID
CIT. Journal of Computing and Information Technology, Šilc Jurij (pisec recenzij 1997-), Zagreb, University Computing Centre, 1993-,
ISSN 1330-1136. [COBISS.SI-ID
Informatica, Šilc Jurij (pisec recenzij 1997-), Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1997-), Ljubljana, Slovensko društvo Informatika, 1977-,
ISSN 0350-5596. [COBISS.SI-ID
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