Odsek za reaktorsko fiziko (F8)


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

1. M.W. Bench, I.M. Robertson, M.A. Kirk, Igor Jenčič, "Production of amorphous zones in GaAs by the direct impact of energetic heavy ions", J. appl. phys., vol. 87, str. 49-56, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14610983]

2. A. Damyanovich, Jožef Peternelj, Milan M. Pintar, "Tunneling spectroscopy from magnetization evolution in a titled rotating frame of nuclear spins", J. magn. reson. (San Diego, Calif., 1997 : Print), vol. 145, str. 1-7, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15172903]

3. A.Z. Damyanovich, Jožef Peternelj, Milan M. Pintar, "Design of a high-power NMP probe for low-temperature studies", J. magn. reson. (San Diego, Calif., 1997 : Print), vol. 144, str. 1-5, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15030055]

4. H.T. Hunter, J.L. Parsons, W.J. Marshall, E. Sartori, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "Shielding experimental Benchmark storage, retrieval and display system", J. nucl. sci. technol., supplement 1, str. 61-67, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15370279]

5. Radojko Jaćimović, Andrej Trkov, "Numerical stability in the k[sub]0-standardization method for the case of short irradiation and counting times", J. radioanal. nucl. chem., vol. 245, str. 649-652, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15363879]

6. Igor Jenčič, I.M. Robertson, "Regrowth of heavy-ion impantation damage by electron beams", Mater. sci. semicond. process., vol. 3, str. 311-315, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15613223]

7. Robert Jeraj, Paul Keall, "The effect of statistical uncertainty on inverse treatment planning based on Monte Carlo method dose calculation", Phys. med. biol., vol. 45, str. 3601-3613, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15445799]

8. P.J. Keall, J.V. Siebers, Robert Jeraj, R. Mohan, "The effect of dose calculation uncertainty on the evaluation od radiotherapy plans", Med. phys. (Lanc.), vol. 27, str. 478-484, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14860327]

9. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, L. Petrizzi, P. Batistoni, "Transport, sensitivity and uncertainty analysis of FNG 14 MeV neutron bulk shield experiment", J. nucl. sci. technol., suppl. 1, str. 713-717, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15393575]

10. Marko Maučec, "Conceptual design of a clinical BNCT beam in a adjacent dry cell of the Jozef Stefan Institute TRIGA reactor", Nucl. technol., vol. 132, str. 179-195, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15439911]

11. Tomaž Nemec, Gorazd Polšak, Vera Apih, "Hidrofobna zaščita poroznih gradbenih materilov", Mater. tehnol., vol. 34, str. 303-307, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15410727]

12. Andreja Peršič, Matjaž Ravnik, Tomaž Žagar, "TRIGA Mark II criticality Benchmark experiment with burned fuel", Nucl. technol., vol. 132, str. 325-338, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15587623]

13. L. Petrizzi, P. Batistoni, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "Sensitivity and uncertainty analysis performed on a 14-MeV neutron streaming experiment", Fusion eng. des., vol. 51-52, str. 843-848, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 18121255]

14. Jože Rant, Gabriel Rihar, Jürgen Stade, "Application of imaging plates in the radiographic examination of welded joints", Riv. Ital. Saldatura, let. 52, št. 1-2 (gen-feb), str. 61-67, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 601025]

1.03 Kratki znanstveni prispevek

1. Jure Skvarč, (17 avtorjev), "2000 NX3", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-N21, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 163201]

2. J. Ticha, Herman Mikuž, Jure Skvarč, (35 avtorjev), "2000 HD74", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-J56, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 162177]

3. J. Ticha, Jure Skvarč, (33 avtorjev), "2000 DM8", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-E12, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 154241]

4. J. Ticha, Jure Skvarč, (30 avtorjev), "2000 DP107", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-E20, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 154753]

5. J. Ticha, Jure Skvarč, (23 avtorjev), "2000 NM", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-N07, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 163457]

6. J. Ticha, Jure Skvarč, (21 avtorjev), "2000 OG", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-O15, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 162945]

7. J. Ticha, Jure Skvarč, (18 avtorjev), "2000 OH8", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-P05, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 162433]

8. M. Tichy, Herman Mikuž, Jure Skvarč, (27 avtorjev), "2000 DQ110", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-E41, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 156289]

9. M. Tichy, Jure Skvarč, (29 avtorjev), "2000 BH19", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-C13, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 150913]

10. M. Tichy, Jure Skvarč, (18 avtorjev), "2000 ED14", Minor planet electronic circulars, št. 2000-E25, str. 1, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 154497]

1.04 Strokovni članek

1. Jože Rant, "Results and conclusions of the 5th explosive ordnance disposal (EOD) conference", Insight (Northamp.), vol. 42, str. 98-102. [COBISS.SI-ID 14778151]

1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

1. Milan Čerček, Tomaž Gyergyek, "Electrode floating potential in a plasma with additional energetic electrons : theory, simulation and experiment", V: Contributed papers. Volume 24B, 27th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000, K. Szegö, ur., T.N. Todd, ur., Ch. Nieswand, ur., Budapest, European Physical Society, 2000, str. 1064-1067. [COBISS.SI-ID 15866663]

2. U. Fischer, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, C. Konno, R.L. Perel, "Intercomparison of Monte Carlo and S[sub]N sensitivity calculations for a 14 MeV neutron benchmark", V: Advanced Monte Carlo for radiation physics, particle transport simulation and applications, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, Lisbon, A. Kling, ur., F. Barão, ur., M. Nakagawa, ur., L. Távora, ur., P. Vaz, ur., Lisbon, Springer, 2001. [COBISS.SI-ID 15649831]

3. A.N. Golovchenko, Jure Skvarč, N. Yasuda, L. Sihver, Igor Lengar, K. Ogura, Radomir Ilić, J.W. Wilson, R.K. Tripathi, S.P. Tretyakova, T. Mukarami, "Charge removal cross sections and depth-dose distributions of different high energy ions in tissue-like targets", V: 1999 Annual Report, (NIRS-M, 139), Inage-ku, Chiba, National Institute of Rdiological Sciences, 2000, str. 297-300, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15239975]

4. Tomaž Gyergyek, Milan Čerček, "Creation of a firerod by a positive voltage step applied to an anode immersed in a weakly magnetized discharge plasma column", V: Proceedings, (Czechoslovak Journal of Physics, Vol. 50), Prague, Institute of Physics Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, 2000, str. 369-377, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15284775]

5. Tomaž Gyergyek, Milan Čerček, "Experimental investigation of the creation of a fire-rod by Langmuir and emissive probes", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15591719]

6. Tomaž Gyergyek, Milan Čerček, Roman Schrittwieser, Codrina Ionita, "Investigation of the creation of a fire-rod by Langmuir and emissive probes", V: Proceedings. Volume 1, 2000 International Congress on Plasma Physics, October 23-27, 2000, Quebec City, Quebec, Université du Quebec, 2000, str. 288-291. [COBISS.SI-ID 15795751]

7. Tomaž Gyergyek, Milan Čerček, Roman Schrittwieser, Carsten Winkler, Daniela Strele, "Nonlinear dynamics of a harmonically forced double layer in a discharge plasma", V: Let's face chaos through nonlinear dynamics : proceedings of the 4th International Summer School/Conference held at the University of Maribor, 27 June-11 July, 1999, (Progress of theoretical physics suppl. , No. 139), Marko Robnik, ur., Yoji Aizawa, ur., Hiroshi Hasegawa, ur., Yoshiki Kuramoto, ur., Kyoto, Kyoto University, 2000, no. 139, str. 353-362. [COBISS.SI-ID 15327783]

8. H.T. Hunter, E. Sartori, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "SINBAD 98 RSICC data library", V: PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, American Nuclear Society, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15341607]

9. Igor Jenčič, "A TEM study of displacement spikes in semiconductors", V: Proceedings, C.L. Claeys, ur., Leuven, European Network on Defect Engineering of Advanced Semiconductor Devices, 2000, str. 286-294. [COBISS.SI-ID 15083559]

10. Igor Jenčič, "Radiation damage in nuclear waste materials", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15579943]

11. Robert Jeraj, Paul Keall, "Errors in inverse treatment planning based on innacurate dose calculation", V: The use of computers in radiation therapy, The use of computers in radiation therapy, XIIIth International Confernce, Heidelberg, Germany, May 22-25, 2000, Wolfgang Schlegel, ur., Thomas Bortfeld, ur., Heidelberg, Springer-Verlag, 2000, str. 548-550, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15031591]

12. Robert Jeraj, Matjaž Ravnik, Tomaž Žagar, Andreja Peršič, V. Dean, "TRIGA Mark II reactor Benchmark", V: PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, American Nuclear Society, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15069735]

13. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "Processing and use of covariance matrices for applications in fission and fussion", V: Nuclear data covariance workshop, (ORNL/TM, 2000/19), Nuclear Data Covariance Workshop, April 22-23, 1999, Brookhaven, Oak Ridge, Oak Ridge National Laboratory, 2000, str. 47-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 15341351]

14. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "SUSD3D, a multi-dimensional, discrete ordinates based cross section sensitivity and uncertainty code", V: PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, American Nuclear Society, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15341863]

15. Edvard Krištof, "Neutron flux in the exposure room of the TRIGA Mark II reactor in Ljubljana", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15596583]

16. Marjan Kromar, "Symmetrization of the 16X16 fuel assembly for the nuclear core calculation", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15592743]

17. Marjan Kromar, Andrej Trkov, "Simulation of the power feedback effects with the reactivity coefficient method", V: PHYSOR 2000, Pittsburgh, American Nuclear Society, 2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15071271]

18. Igor Lengar, Tomaž Nemec, "Public opinion shifts to the favour of nuclear energy due to steam generator transport", V: IYNC 2000 Transactions, IYNC 2000, International Youth Nuclear Congress, April 9-14, 2000, Bratislava, Bratislava, Decom, SLovakia, 2000, str. 247. [COBISS.SI-ID 15816231]

19. Marjan Logar, Robert Jeraj, Bogdan Glumac, "The influence of pitch, burnup and absorber rods in the spent fuel pool criticality", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15596327]

20. Marko Maučec, Robert J. De Meijer, "A Monte-Carlo study of landmines detection by neutron backscattering method", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15599655]

21. Marko Maučec, P.G.H.M. Hendriks, R. De Meijers, "Charcterization of geological formations by natural gamma-ray spectrometry : a Monte Carlo simulation", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15600167]

22. Marko Maučec, Jerome Spanier, "The MCNP perturbation feature assessment for nuclear logging Monte Carlo calculations", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15599911]

23. Christian Paquette, Božidar Kranjc, Marjan Kromar, "Comet[sup]TM core model and related utilities for the Krško NPP simulator", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15580711]

24. Zoran Petrič, Milan Čerček, Tomaž Gyergyek, "Instability in bounded discharge plasma : simulation and experiment", V: Proceedings. Volume 1, 2000 International Congress on Plasma Physics, October 23-27, 2000, Quebec City, Quebec, Université du Quebec, 2000, str. 164-167. [COBISS.SI-ID 15795495]

25. Zoran Petrič, Milan Čerček, Tomaž Gyergyek, "Computer simulation of bounded plasma instability and comparison with experiment", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15591975]

26. V. Pohoata, Milan Čerček, Roman Schrittwieser, G. Popa, "Anodic double layer oscillations as a source for ion-acoustic waves", V: Contributed papers. Volume 24B, 27th European Physical Society Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics, Budapest, 12-16 June 2000, K. Szegö, ur., T.N. Todd, ur., Ch. Nieswand, ur., Budapest, European Physical Society, 2000, str. 1296-1299. [COBISS.SI-ID 15866919]

27. Matjaž Ravnik, Viktor Dimic, "TRIGA Mark II Ljubljana - spent fuel transportation", V: TRIGA 2000, 16th European TRIGA Conerence, Pitesti, September 25-28, 2000, Pitesti, Institute for Nuclear Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15410471]

28. Matjaž Ravnik, Viktor Dimic, "Utilization of the TRIGA Mark II research reactor in Ljubljana", V: TRIGA 2000, 16th European TRIGA Conerence, Pitesti, September 25-28, 2000, Pitesti, Institute for Nuclear Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15409703]

29. Attila Sarvari, Robert Jeraj, Thomas Kron, "Monte Carlo simulations in skin radiotherapy", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15600423]

30. Slavko Slavič, Bojan Žefran, "Shuffle - Windows 95/98/2000 version", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15580967]

31. Iztok Tiselj, E. Pogrebnyak, A. Mosyak, G. Hetsroni, "Numerical study of thermal streak spacing in turbulent boundary layer with constant heat-flux boundary condition", V: Thermal science 2000 : proceedings of the International Thermal Science Seminar, Bled, Slovenia, June 11 - 14, 2000, Arthur E. Bergles, ur., Iztok Golobič, ur., Ljubljana, ZSITS, 2000, str. 177-184. [COBISS.SI-ID 15083815]

32. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, "Measurement of neutron activation in concrete samples", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15596071]

33. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, "Measurement of neutron activation in concrete samples", V: TRIGA 2000, 16th European TRIGA Conerence, Pitesti, September 25-28, 2000, Pitesti, Institute for Nuclear Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15410215]

34. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, Robert Jeraj, "Analysis of TRIGA fuel element burnup calculation accuracy", V: Proceedings, International Conference Nuclear Energy in Central Europe 2000, Bled, Slovenia, 11 - 14 September 2000, Borut Mavko, ur., Leon Cizelj, ur., Marko Kovač, ur., Ljubljana, Jožef Stefan Institute, Nuclear Society of Slovenia, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15595815]

35. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, Andreja Peršič, "Analysis of thermal power calibration method", V: Proceedings, (IAEA-CSP, 4/C), Research Reactor Utilization, Safety and Management, Lisbon, 6-10 September 1999, Vienna, International Atomic Energy Agency, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15436839]

36. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, Andreja Peršič, Robert Jeraj, "TRIGA fuel element burnup determination by measurement and calculation", V: IYNC 2000 Transactions, IYNC 2000, International Youth Nuclear Congress, April 9-14, 2000, Bratislava, Bratislava, Decom, SLovakia, 2000, str. 274. [COBISS.SI-ID 15815463]

1.12 Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

1. Igor Jenčič, Jure Skvarč, I.M. Robertson, "Določanje hitrosti kristalizacije amorfnih področij v polprevoddnikih z računalniško analizo TEM slik", V: Zbornik povzetkov, 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Zreče, 9. november 2000, Igor Muševič, ur., Miha Škarabot, ur., Ljubljana, DMFA, založništvo, 2000, str. 69. [COBISS.SI-ID 15479591]

2. Robert Jeraj, "Importance of accurate dose calculation in inverse treatment planning", V: Book of abstracts, Research Meeting on Andvances in Cancer Therapy, Ljubljana, 19th May 2000, Božidar Casar, ur., Robert Jeraj, ur., Ljubljana, Institute of Oncology, 2000, str. 11. [COBISS.SI-ID 13205465]

3. Robert Jeraj, Paul Keall, "Importance of accurate dose calculation in inverse treatment planning", Med. phys. (Lanc.), vol. 27, str. 1397, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15447847]

4. Robert Jeraj, T. Krom, Attila Sarvary, "Simulation of a brachytherapy applicator for skin radiotheraphy", V: Advanced Monte Carlo for radiation physics, particle transport simulation and applications, International Conference on Advanced Monte Carlo for Radiation Physics, Particle Transport Simulation and Applications, 23-26 October, Lisbon, A. Kling, ur., F. Barão, ur., M. Nakagawa, ur., L. Távora, ur., P. Vaz, ur., Lisbon, Springer, 2001, str. 25-26. [COBISS.SI-ID 15445543]

5. Paul Keall, Robert Jeraj, "Image reconstruction and dose calculation for high-Z implants", Med. phys. (Lanc.), vol. 27, str. 1405, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15448103]

6. Dean Korošak, Bruno Cvikl, "Lastnosti neidealnega stika kovine in polprevodnika z neurejeno vmesno plastjo", V: Zbornik povzetkov, 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Zreče, 9. november 2000, Igor Muševič, ur., Miha Škarabot, ur., Ljubljana, DMFA, založništvo, 2000, str. 71, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15479847]

7. Anna Lazaru, Radojko Jaćimović, Radomir Ilić, Trajče Stafilov, "Instrumental neutron activation analysis of some minerals from Allchar mine", V: 2. Ege Analitik Kimya Günleri Özel Sayisi, (Journal of the Institute of Science and Technology of Balikesir University, Vol. 2), Balikesir, Balikesir Üniversitesi, 2000, str. 72. [COBISS.SI-ID 15744039]

8. Igor Lengar, Jure Skvarč, Radomir Ilić, "Odlaganje radonovih razpadnih produktov na površine kovin v stiku", V: Zbornik povzetkov, 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Zreče, 9. november 2000, Igor Muševič, ur., Miha Škarabot, ur., Ljubljana, DMFA, založništvo, 2000, str. 53. [COBISS.SI-ID 15479335]

9. Marko Maučec, R. de Meijer, "Detection of land-mines by neutron back scattering analysis : a Monte Carlo study", V: Book of Abstracts, 3rd International Yugoslav Nucčear Society Conference, YUNSC 2000, Belgrade,October 2-5, 2000, Belgrade, Vinča Institute of Nuclear Sciences, 2000, str. 68, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15469607]

10. Jure Skvarč, "Meritve presekov za izgubo naboja pospešenih jeder C - Ne v tkivu podobnih snoveh z jedkanimi detektorji sledi", V: Zbornik povzetkov, 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Zreče, 9. november 2000, Igor Muševič, ur., Miha Škarabot, ur., Ljubljana, DMFA, založništvo, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15470631]

11. H. Yanagie, K. Maruyama, T. Takizawa, K. Ogura, T. Matsumoto, Y. Sakurai, T. Kobayashi, K. Ono, Jože Rant, Jure Skvarč, Radomir Ilić, M. Eriguchi, A. Shihonara, H. Kobayashi, "Tumor growth suppression by boron neutron capture therapy using peg-liposomal boron delivery in vivo", V: Ninth International symposium on neutron capture therapy for cancer, Ninth International Sumposium on Neutron Capture Therapy for Cancer, October2-6, 2000, Osaka, Kyoto, Kyoto University, 2000, str. 101. [COBISS.SI-ID 15395623]

12. Tomaž Žagar, Matjaž Ravnik, "Nevtronska aktivacija vzorcev betona", V: Zbornik povzetkov, 2. nacionalna konferenca fizikov v osnovnih raziskavah, Zreče, 9. november 2000, Igor Muševič, ur., Miha Škarabot, ur., Ljubljana, DMFA, založništvo, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15471399]

1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

1. Robert Jeraj, Bogdan Glumac, Marko Maučec, "MCNP simulation of the TRIGA Mark II Benchmark experiment, JEF-2.2", V: Nuclear Data Library, (JEFF Report, 17), Issy-les-Molineaux, OECD, 2000, 8 str.loč.pag. [COBISS.SI-ID 18158375]

2. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "Calculation details supplied by participants : B.2. VENUS-3", V: Prediction of neutron embrittlement in the reactor pressure vessel : VENUS-1 and VENUS-3 Benchmarks, Issy-les-Moulineaux, Nuclear Energy Agency, 2000, 231-235. [COBISS.SI-ID 15345959]

3. Marko Maučec, "Description of DIMPLE S01A model developed with Monte Carlo computer code MCNP4A, JEF-2.2", V: Nuclear Data Library, (JEFF Report, 17), Issy-les-Molineaux, OECD, 2000, str. 111. [COBISS.SI-ID 18158119]

1.17 Samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

1. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, "Validation of ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 iron cross-sections by sensitivity and adjustment analysis", V: The JEF-2.2 nuclear data library, (JEFF Report, 17), Issy-les-Moulineaux, OECD, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15343911]

2. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Hamid Tagziria, "Uncertainty assessment and sensitivity analysis", V: Review of Monte Carlo and deterministic codes in radiation protection and dosimetry : Investigation and quality asurance of numerical methods in radiation protection and dosimetry, Review of Monte Carlo and deterministic codes in radiation protection and dosimetry, Igor Kroutchkine, Dan Cepraga, Michael Weyrauch, Hamid Tagziria, ur., Teddington, National Physical Laboratory, 2000, str. 27-28. [COBISS.SI-ID 15362087]

3. S.H. Zheng, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, C. Raepsaet, C.M. Diop, J.C. Nimal, A. Monnier, "Qualification anf improvement of iron ENDF/B-VI and JEF-2 evaluations by interpretation of the ASPIS Benchmark", V: The JEF-2.2 nuclear data library, (JEFF Report, 17), Issy-les-Moulineaux, OECD, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15344167]

1.25 Drugi članki ali sestavki

1. P.H.G.M. Hendriks, Marko Maučec, R.J. de Meijer, "Density dependence of natural gamma-ray spectra", V: KVI Annual report 2000, (Annual report, 2000), A.M. van der Berg, R. Hoekstra, Groeningen, Kernfysisch Versneller Institut, 2000, str. 71-72. [COBISS.SI-ID 17894695]

2. Marko Maučec, P.H.G.M. Hendriks, R.J. de Meijer, "Modelling of natural gamma-ray spectrometry for underwater surfaces", V: KVI Annual report 2000, (Annual report, 2000), A.M. van der Berg, R. Hoekstra, Groeningen, Kernfysisch Versneller Institut, 2000, str. 72. [COBISS.SI-ID 17910567]


2.02 Strokovna monografija

1. A. Ellinger, U. Filges, J. Knorr, Matjaž Ravnik, Tomaž Žagar, Radojko Jaćimović, Measurement of the neutron flux for core inventory verification : Joint programme on the technical development and futher improvement of IAEA safeguards between the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany and IEAEA, (JOPAG, 07.00-PRG-314), Jülich, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15602983]

2. J. Knorr, U. Filges, A. Ellinger, W. Hansen, R. Schneider, Matjaž Ravnik, Tomaž Žagar, Radojko Jaćimović, B. Richter, Development of reactor-physical methods for integrated safeguards of research reactors : Joint programme on the technical development and further improvement of IAEA safeguards, (JOPAG, 05.00-PRG-310), Jülich, Forschungszentrum Jülich, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15549223]

2.13 Elaborat, predštudija, študija

1. Leon Cizelj, Bogdan Glumac, Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Ljubo Fabjan, Borut Mavko, Final independent evaluation report of document mechanical review SSR-NEK-12, Rev. 1, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8129, B-IJS-NEK-99/10), Rev. 1, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15412263]

2. Ljubo Fabjan, Leon Cizelj, Romana Jordan-Cizelj, Marko Čepin, Darko Kavšek, Iztok Parzer, Andrej Prošek, Matjaž Ravnik, Borut Mavko, Izjava za ponovno kritičnost reaktorja po Remontu 2000 in menjavi goriva po zaključenem 16. gorivnem ciklu v NE Krško, (OR4/LF-zv, 88), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15694631]

3. Ljubo Fabjan, Leon Cizelj, Romana Jordan-Cizelj, Marko Čepin, Darko Kavšek, Iztok Parzer, Andrej Prošek, Matjaž Ravnik, Borut Mavko, Izjava za ponovno obratovanje NE Krško po Remontu 2000 in menjavi goriva po zaključenem 16. gorivnem ciklu v NE Krško, (OR4/LF-zv, 102), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15694375]

4. Ljubo Fabjan, Leon Cizelj, Romana Jordan-Cizelj, Marko Čepin, Darko Kavšek, Iztok Parzer, Andrej Prošek, Matjaž Ravnik, Borut Mavko, Strokovna ocena remontnih del, posegov in preizkusov med zaustavitvijo Nuklearne elekrarne Krško zaradi modernizacije in menjave goriva ob koncu 16.gorivnega cikla, (OR4/LF-zv, 110), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15694887]

5. Bogdan Glumac, Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-10.3 USAR changes due to UPR, RSG and SGR (Plant modernization), (IJS delovno poročilo, 8231), Izdaja 0, Ljubljana, "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15858215]

6. Bogdan Glumac, Marjan Kromar, Andrej Stritar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-10.4 Westinghouse inputs for technical specifications, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8227), Izdaja 0, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15858471]

7. Bogdan Glumac, Marjan Kromar, Andrej Stritar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-10.4 Westinghouse inputs for technical specifications, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8227), Izdaja 1, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15857447]

8. Radomir Ilić, Milan Čerček, Edvard Krištof, Uporabe plazemskih izvorov in ionskih sledi na področju odlaganja radioaktivnih odpadkov : III. faza, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8176), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15032615]

9. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Processed covariance matrices for Be-9 evaluation, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8314), (EFFDOC, 745), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15650087]

10. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Processed covariance matrices for Ni-58 evaluation, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8312), (EFFDOC, 743), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15650599]

11. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Processed covariance matrices for Ni-60 evaluation, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8313), (EFFDOC, 744), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15650343]

12. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Processing of EFF-3 co-variance matrices with extended options and application tests with SUSD3D uncertainty calculations, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8311), (EFFDOC, 758), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan". [COBISS.SI-ID 15650855]

13. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, SUSD3D : a multi-dimensional, discrete ordinates based cross section sensitivity and uncertainty code, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8277), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15363111]

14. Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Axial burnup shapes of the NPP Krško spent fuel, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8298), Izdaja 0, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15856679]

15. Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-4.2 integrated core design, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8049), Izdaja 1, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15857959]

16. Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-4.3 EOL MTC relaxation/elimination, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8219), Izdaja 0, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15880487]

17. Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Independent evaluation of the SSR-NEK-4.3 EOL MTC relaxation/elimination, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8219), Izdaja 1, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15857703]

18. Marjan Kromar, Matjaž Ravnik, Andrej Trkov, Slavko Slavič, Bojan Žefran, The nuclear design and core management of the Krško NPP Cycle 17, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8252), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15843623]

19. Marjan Kromar, Slavko Slavič, Cross sections for the Krško NPP full scale simulator - cycle 17, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8119), Izdaja 1, Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15857191]

20. S. Mosher, Marko Maučec, J. Spanier, Progress report to the oil consortium : January through april 2000, (CRIAMS Report, OC-00005), Claremont, Claremont Research Institute of Applied Mathematical Sciences, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 16447783]

21. Andrej Trkov, Marjan Kromar, Tomaž Žagar, Report on the zero power physics tests for cycle 17 of the Krško NPP, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8255), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15548967]

22. Tomaž Žagar, Fizikalni modeli v programu WIMSD, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8178), Ljubljana, Institut "Jožef Stefan", 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15633191]

2.21 Programska oprema

1. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, KWIC:SUSD3D, 1-, 2, 3-dimensional cross section sensitivity and uncertainty code, (NEA, 1628), OECD/NEA, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15390759]


3.13 Organiziranje znanstvenih in strokovnih sestankov

1. Radomir Ilić, et al. (42 avtorjev), 20th International conference on nuclear tracks in solids, August 28 - September 1, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia : call for papers : Organizing committee and International committee, [S.l.], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 5051414]

3.14 Predavanje na tuji univerzi

1. Tomaž Gyergyek, Experimental investigation of a fire-rod by Langmuir and emissive probes : Presented at National Institute for Lasers, Plasma and Radiation Physics, University of Bucharest, 4.10.2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 16701223]

2. Tomaž Gyergyek, On the nonlinear dynamics of plasma oscillations triggered by a positive electrode : presented at the National Institute for lasers, plasma and radiation physics, Bucharest, 2.10.2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 16684839]

3. Robert Jeraj, Advantages and disadvantages of Monte Carlo dose calculation in inverse treatment planning : Presented at International Workshop on Monte Carlo Treatment Planning, Stanford, 9.-11.11.2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15841575]

4. Robert Jeraj, Monte Carlo methods in medical physics : Presented at University of Wisconsin, 10.10.2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15841831]

5. Ivan Aleksander Kodeli, Fusion related activity in Slovenia, resources and capabilities : Presented at EFDA kick-0ff meeting on fusion tecchnology for new associated countries, Garching, March 2000, Garching, Max-Planck-Institut für Plasmaphysik, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15379495]

3.16 Vabljeno predavanje na konferenci brez natisa

1. Marko Maučec, Monte Carlo simulations of particle transport : review of industrial and medical applications : presented at FANTOM International Research School, Kernfysisch Versneller Instituut, Groningen, 13-17 November, 2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15460391]



1. Research Meeting on Andvances in Cancer Therapy, Ljubljana, 19th May 2000: Božidar Casar, ur., Robert Jeraj, ur., Book of abstracts, Ljubljana, Institute of Oncology, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 107514624]

2. Radiation measurements, Ilić Radomir (član uredniškega odbora 1994-2003), Oxford, The Oxford Fulfilment Centre, 1994-, ISSN 1350-4487. [COBISS.SI-ID 15506437]

Mentor pri doktorskih disertacijah

1. Marjan Logar, Analiza kritičnosti bazena za iztrošeno gorivo reaktorja TRIGA : disertacija, Maribor, [M. Logar], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 144379]

Mentor pri diplomskih delih

1. Marko Giacomelli, Analiza tkiv s protonsko radiografijo : diplomsko delo, (Fakulteta za matematiko in fiziko), Ljubljana, [M. Giacomelli], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 5694230]

2. Zdravko Kučan, Rekonstrukcija tomogramov geometrij s kovinskimi vsadki : diplomsko delo, Ljubljana, [Z. Kučan], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 1246820]

3. Attila Šarvari, Monte Carlo simulacije za izračun optimalne oblike aplikatorja za površinsko brahterapijo : diplomsko delo, Ljubljana, [A.Šarvari], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 1246564]

Komentor pri diplomskih delih

1. Zdravko Kučan, Rekonstrukcija tomogramov geometrij s kovinskimi vsadki : diplomsko delo, Ljubljana, [Z. Kučan], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 1246820]

2. Attila Šarvari, Monte Carlo simulacije za izračun optimalne oblike aplikatorja za površinsko brahterapijo : diplomsko delo, Ljubljana, [A.Šarvari], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 1246564]

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