Odsek za digitalne komunikacije in mreže (E6)


1.01 Izvirni znanstveni članek

1. Tomaž Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, Pavel Loskot, "DECT based variable rate communication system", Elektroteh. vestn., vol. 67, št. 1, str. 1-8, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14936103]

2. Tomaž Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, František Vejražka, "Modulation schemes for wireless access", Radioengineering (Prague), vol. 9, str. 8-14, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15572263]

3. Monika Kapus-Kolar, "Restoring the concept of observability in E-LOTOS", Comput. stand. interfaces, vol. 22, str. 55-60, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15075367]

4. Monika Kapus-Kolar, "Service-based synthesis of two-party protocols", Elektroteh. vestn., vol. 67, št. 3-4, str. 161-168, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15516711]

5. Monika Kapus-Kolar, "Deriving protocols for services supporting mobile users", Inf. softw. technol., vol. 42, str. 619-631, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15078695]

6. Bojan Močnik, Jože Rugelj, "Izobraževanje na daljavo na delovnem mestu", V: Vzgoja in izobraževanje v informacijski družbi, (Organizacija, Letn. 33, 2000, št. 8), Vladislav Rajkovič, ur., Tanja Urbančič, ur., Mojca Bernik, ur., Kranj, Moderna organizacija, 2000, str. 546-549. [COBISS.SI-ID 2903315]

7. Silva Samarin, Rok Hren, Roman Trobec, Viktor Avbelj, Borut Geršak, "Spatial resolution of epicardial pace mapping using body surface potentials", Pflügers Arch., letn. 440, št. 5, suppl., str. R123-R125, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 11904985]

8. Denis Trček, "Security policy conceptual modeling and formalization for networked information systems", Comput. commun., vol. 23, str. 1716-1723, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15443495]

9. Roman Trobec, "Two-dimenstional regular d-meshes", Parallel comput., vol. 26, str. 1945-1953, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15473959]

10. Primož Trunk, Roman Trobec, Borut Geršak, "Measurement of porcine heart temperatures : presented at Life Sciences Conference 1999 and Congress of Slovenian Pharmacological Society dedicated to 25 years of activity; 1999 Sep 18-22; Gozd Martuljek", Pflügers Arch., letn. 440, št. 5, suppl., str. R132-R133, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 11905241]

11. Robert Verlič, Igor Ozimek, "Predstavitev PNNI protokola", Elektroteh. vestn., let. 67, št. 5, str. 233-237, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 2094164]

12. Matjaž Veselko, Roman Trobec, "Intraoperative localization of retained metallic fragments in misssile wounds", J. trauma inj. infect. crit. care, vol. 49, str. 1052-1058, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15618087]

1.05 Poljudni članek

1. Jure Jerman, Janez Polajnar, Roman Trobec, Vremenske fronte, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15413031]

2. Jure Jerman, Janez Polajnar, Roman Trobec, Zakaj in kdaj piha? : vremenski podlistek/II, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15611687]

3. Janez Polajnar, Jure Jerman, Roman Trobec, Kdaj in zakaj zapiha jugo? : jugo ob Jadranu, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15612711]

4. Janez Polajnar, Jure Jerman, Roman Trobec, O burji, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15612455]

5. Janez Polajnar, Roman Trobec, Vremenski podlistek - prvič, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15413799]

6. Janez Polajnar, Roman Trobec, Jure Jerman, Termični vetrovi ob Jadranu : vremenski podlistek/III, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15413287]

7. Denis Trček, ""Popolna varnost" se vedno bolj odmika v prihodnost : varnost elektronskega poslovanja", Delo (Ljubl.), str. 15 (Znanost=Sciencia), 16.2.2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14828071]

8. Roman Trobec, Kratka zgodovina, 2000, [COBISS.SI-ID 15611431]

1.08 Objavljeni znanstveni prispevek na konferenci

1. Janez Bostič, Gorazd Kandus, Mihael Mohorčič, "Broadband fixed wireless access", V: Technologies and communication services for the online society : proceedings, International Symposium on Telecommunications - VITEL 2000, October 16 and 17, 2000, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Marko Jagodič, ur., Miha Šubic, ur., Ljubljana, Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia, 2000, str. B-21-B-26. [COBISS.SI-ID 15415591]

2. F. Dovis, Gorazd Kandus, E. Magli, G. Olmo, "HeliNet : integration of stratospheric platforms within the GNSS2 system", V: Proceedings, GNSS 2000, Edinburgh International Conference Centre (EICC), Edinburgh, Scotland, 1-4 May 2000, [S.l.], Royal Institute of Navigation, 2000, str. 1337-1344. [COBISS.SI-ID 16919335]

3. Uroš Drčić, Mihael Mohorčič, Gorazd Kandus, Tomaž Javornik, "Helinet - omrežje stratosferskih ploščadi za dostop do navigacijskih in širokopasovnih komunikacijskih storitev", V: Zbornik devete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000, 21. - 23. september 2000, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur., Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2000, zv. A, str. 143-146. [COBISS.SI-ID 15354919]

4. Y. F. Hu Hu, Aleš Švigelj, P.M.L. Chan, R. A. Wyatt-Millington, R. E. Sheriff, "The delivery of Internet services over 4G mobile networks", V: Technologies and communication services for the online society : proceedings, International Symposium on Telecommunications - VITEL 2000, October 16 and 17, 2000, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Marko Jagodič, ur., Miha Šubic, ur., Ljubljana, Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia, 2000, str. D-19-D-25. [COBISS.SI-ID 15598119]

5. August Jauk, Marko Bonač, Igor Ozimek, Gorazd Kandus, "Academic and research network of Slovenia", V: SoftCOM 2000, International conference on software, telecommunications and computer networks, Split - Rijeka, Croatia, Trieste - Venice, Italy, October 10-14, 2000, Nikola Rožić, ur., Dinko Begušić, ur., Marija Vrdoljak, ur., Split, University of Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, 2000, vol. 2, str. 917-926. [COBISS.SI-ID 15449127]

6. Tomaž Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, "N-MSK adaptive modulation techniques in a slow Rayleigh fading channel", V: Proceedings, The 11th IEEE International Symposium on Personal, Indoor and Mobile Radio Communications, PIMRC 2000, London, UK, September 18-21, 2000, Piscataway, The Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, 2000, str. 138-142. [COBISS.SI-ID 15353383]

7. Tomaž Kalin, Gorazd Kandus, Denis Trček, Roman Novak, Marjan Sušelj, "Smart-card- and IP-based infrastructure for a health-care information system in Slovenia", V: INET 2000 : the internet global summit : proceedings, [S.l.], Internet Society, 2000, 9 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 15207463]

8. Gorazd Kandus, Igor Ozimek, Mihael Mohorčič, "Načrtovanje TETRA sistema za prenos podatkov", V: Mobilnost v telekomunikacijah : zbornik referatov, Deseta delavnica o telekomunikacijah, 22. in 23. november 1999, Brdo pri Kranju, Marko Jagodič, ur., Mitja Štular, ur., Ljubljana, Elektrotehniška zveza Slovenije, 2000, str. 1-11. [COBISS.SI-ID 15041575]

9. Naim Maloku, Marjeta Pučko, Marijan Kunštić, "Generation of feasibility test cases for communication protocols", V: Technologies and communication services for the online society : proceedings, International Symposium on Telecommunications - VITEL 2000, October 16 and 17, 2000, Ljubljana, Slovenia, Marko Jagodič, ur., Miha Šubic, ur., Ljubljana, Electrotechnical Society of Slovenia, 2000, str. C-51-C-56. [COBISS.SI-ID 15771175]

10. Bojan Močnik, Jože Rugelj, "Uvajanje izobraževanja na daljavo na delovnem mestu", V: Informacijska družba IS'2000 : zbornik 3. mednarodne multi-konference, 17. do 19. oktober 2000, Ljubljana, Slovenija : proceedings of the 3rd International Multi-Conference, 17 - 19 October 2000, Cene Bavec, ur., Matjaž Gams, ur., Vladislav Rajkovič, ur., Ivan Rozman, ur., József Györkös, ur., Dunja Mladenič, ur., Marko Grobelnik, ur., Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, 2000, str. 20-24. [COBISS.SI-ID 15454247]

11. Bojan Močnik, Jože Rugelj, "Uvajanje izobraževanja na daljavo na delovnem mestu", V: Zbornik devete Elektrotehniške in računalniške konference ERK 2000, 21. - 23. september 2000, Portorož, Slovenija, Baldomir Zajc, ur., Ljubljana, IEEE Region 8, Slovenska sekcija IEEE, 2000, zv. B, str. 339-342. [COBISS.SI-ID 15453991]

12. Jaka Močnik, Roman Trobec, Borut Robič, "Integration of load balancing in CORBA environment", V: Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, G. Okša, ur., Roman Trobec, ur., Salzburg, Department of Informatics, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg Jakob Haringer, 2000, str.230-234. [COBISS.SI-ID 15358759]

13. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Markus Werner, "Comparison of adaptive routing algorithms in ISL networks considering various traffic scenarios", V: Mobile and personal satellite communications 4 : [proceedings of the Fourth European Workshop on Mobile/personal Satcoms (EMPS 2000) 18 September, 2000, London ], J. G. Gardiner, ur., I. A. Glover, ur., Bath, University of Bath, 2000, str. 72-81. [COBISS.SI-ID 15353127]

14. Roman Novak, "Java card sensitivity to differential power analysis", V: Proceedings, World Multiconference on Systemics, Cybernetics and Informatics, SCI 2000, July 23-26, 2000, Orlando, Florida, USA, Orlando, International Institute of Informatics and Systemics, 2000, vol. VI, part II, str. 156-160. [COBISS.SI-ID 15208231]

15. Igor Ozimek, Gorazd Kandus, "Experimental digital wireless communication system", V: Proceedings, The 2000 International Symposium on Information Theory and its Applications,ISITA2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, November 5-8, 2000, [S.l.], IEEE Information Theory Society, 2000, str. 947-950. [COBISS.SI-ID 15746087]

16. Denis Trček, "Modeling security in communication networks using agents technology", V: Modeling and analysis, 8th International Conference on Telecommunication Systems, March 9-12, 2000 [Nashville], [Nashville, S.n.], 2000, str.662-666. [COBISS.SI-ID 14913575]

17. Denis Trček, "Security policy management networked information systems", V: NOMS 2000, [Thirteenth] 2000 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium "The Networked Planet: Management and Beyond, April 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA, James W. Hong, ur., Robert Weihmayer, Piscataway, IEEE, 2000, str. 817-830. [COBISS.SI-ID 14943015]

18. Roman Trobec, Uroš Jovanovič, "Node-to-node distances in regular d-neighbours topologies", V: Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, G. Okša, ur., Roman Trobec, ur., Salzburg, Department of Informatics, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg Jakob Haringer, 2000, str. 236-244. [COBISS.SI-ID 15359015]

19. Roman Trobec, Marjan Šterk, Borut Robič, "Parallel library for particle interaction on ring networks", V: Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, G. Okša, ur., Roman Trobec, ur., Salzburg, Department of Informatics, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg Jakob Haringer, 2000, str. 192-199. [COBISS.SI-ID 15358247]

20. Primož Trunk, Gregor Pipan, Jaka Močnik, Roman Trobec, Borut Geršak, "Simulation of heart temperature changes during cardiac surgery", V: Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, G. Okša, ur., Roman Trobec, ur., Salzburg, Department of Informatics, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg Jakob Haringer, 2000, str. 202-208. [COBISS.SI-ID 15358503]

21. Valentina Valenteković, Marija Vrdoljak, Nikola Rožić, Gorazd Kandus, "Informacijski sustav zaščite okoliša", V: Workshop on contemporary communications, SoftCOM 2000, October 10-14, 2000, Split, Rijeka (Croatia), Trieste, Venice (Italy), Nikola Rožić, ur., Dinko Begušić, ur., Marija Vrdoljak, ur., Split, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical Engineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, 2000, str. 159-172. [COBISS.SI-ID 15449639]

1.09 Objavljeni strokovni prispevek na konferenci

1. Aleš Švigelj, Janez Bešter, Gorazd Kandus, Mihael Mohorčič, "Usmerjanje prometa v negeostacionarnih satelitskih telekomunikacijskih omrežjih", V: Raziskovalno delo podiplomskih študentov v Sloveniji, Naravoslovje in tehnika, 1. dnevi podiplomskih študentov Slovenije, oktober 2000, Aleš Musar, ur., Urška Florjančič, ur., Ljubljana, Društvo mladih raziskovalcev Slovenije, 2000, str. 203-213. [COBISS.SI-ID 15462695]

1.12 Objavljeni povzetek znanstvenega prispevka na konferenci

1. Borut Geršak, Roman Trobec, Viktor Avbelj, Randas J. V. Batista, "Body surface potential mapping and its possible use to study the patients operated with partial left ventriculectomy", V: Abstracts : cardiostim 2000, (Europace, Vol. 1, Suppl. D 2000), 12th International Congress on Cardiac Electrophysiology, Nice Acropolis, French Riviera, 14-17 June 2000, London, W.B.Saunders, 2000, str. D243. [COBISS.SI-ID 15569703]

2. Jurij-Matija Kališnik, Viktor Avbelj, Roman Trobec, Borut Geršak, "Imaging of power spectral heart rate variability regarding subject position", V: Life sciences 2000, Gozd Martuljek, September 28th to October 1st, 2000 : programme, abstracts, Ida Eržen, ur., Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenian Society for Stereology and Quantitative Image Analysis, 2000, str. 31. [COBISS.SI-ID 11878617]

3. Peter Rakovec, S. Samarin, Roman Trobec, Viktor Avbelj, M. Šinkovec, Borut Geršak, "Electrocardiography and arrhythmias", V: Abstract book, 8th Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting, May 24-27, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia, Miran F. Kenda, ur., Zlatko Fras, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenian Society of Cardiology, 2000, str. 75. [COBISS.SI-ID 15052839]

4. Peter Rakovec, S. Samarin, Roman Trobec, Viktor Avbelj, Matjaž Šinkovec, Borut Geršak, "Improved interpretation of multipolar endocardial mapping", V: Abstract book, 8th Alpe Adria Cardiology Meeting, May 24-27, 2000, Portorož, Slovenia, Miran F. Kenda, ur., Zlatko Fras, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenian Society of Cardiology, 2000, str. 75. [COBISS.SI-ID 11433177]

5. Silvia Samarin, Viktor Avbelj, Roman Trobec, Borut Geršak, "Determination of spatial resolution of different epicardial pacing sites by using body surface mapping", V: Abstracts : cardiostim 2000, (Europace, Vol. 1, Suppl. D 2000), 12th International Congress on Cardiac Electrophysiology, Nice Acropolis, French Riviera, 14-17 June 2000, London, W.B.Saunders, 2000, str. D230. [COBISS.SI-ID 15569447]

6. Primož Trunk, Jaka Močnik, Gregor Pipan, Roman Trobec, Borut Geršak, "Visualization of computer simulated heart temperature during topical cooling", V: Life sciences 2000, Gozd Martuljek, September 28th to October 1st, 2000 : programme, abstracts, Ida Eržen, ur., Draga Štiblar-Martinčič, ur., Ljubljana, Slovenian Society for Stereology and Quantitative Image Analysis, 2000, str. 26. [COBISS.SI-ID 11877593]

1.16 Samostojni znanstveni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

1. Jože Rugelj, "Collaborative virtual environmental for problem based learning", V: International perspectives on tele-education and virtual learning environments, Graham Orange, ur., dave Hobbs, ur., Aldershot [etc.], Ashgate, 2000, str. 140-155. [COBISS.SI-ID 15132199]

1.17 Samostojni strokovni sestavek ali poglavje v monografski publikaciji

1. Denis Trček, "Sodobne informacijske tehnologije za podporo dejavnosti", V: Inovativnost za mlade, Borut Likar, Jožica Demšar, Peter Fatur, Dejan Križaj, Vid Pečjak, Sandi Sitar, Denis Trček, Nada Trunk-Širca, Borut Likar, ur., Ljubljana, Korona plus, Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije, Koper, Visoka šola za management, 2000, str. 98-104. [COBISS.SI-ID 249815]

1.25 Drugi članki ali sestavki

1. Denis Trček, "Varnost računalniških omrežij", V: Programska oprema za vodenje procesov : študijsko gradivo za tečaj dopolnilnega izobraževanja in specializacije "Tehnologija vodenja industrijskih procesov" : Ljubljana, 23. do 27. oktober 2000, Ljubljana, Institut Jožef Stefan, Fakulteta za elektrotehniko Univerze v Ljubljani, 9 str. [COBISS.SI-ID 18137127]


2.02 Strokovna monografija

1. Borut Likar, Jožica Demšar, Peter Fatur, Dejan Križaj, Vid Pečjak, Sandi Sitar, Denis Trček, Nada Trunk-Širca, Borut Likar, ur., Inovativnost za mlade, Ljubljana, Korona plus, Zveza prijateljev mladine Slovenije, Koper, Visoka šola za management, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 109052928]

2.03 Univerzitetni ali visokošolski učbenik z recenzijo

1. Jože Rugelj, Programski jeziki in programiranje, 1. izd., Ljubljana, Pedagoška fakulteta, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 110535936]

2. Denis Trček, Informatika za managerje, 2. natis s popravki, V Kopru, Visoka šola za management, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 107511808]

2.12 Končno poročilo o rezultatih raziskav

1. Gerard Maral, et al. (21 avtorjev), COST-TELECOMMUNICATIONS : services efficient network, interconnection via satellites, (Final report, COST action 253), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15289895]

2.13 Elaborat, predštudija, študija

1. Uroš Drčić, Mihael Mohorčič, Tomaž Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, Feasibility of platform interconnection using interplatform links, (Report, HE-RP-IJS-002-WP5-T1), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15766311]

2. Tomaž Javornik, Gorazd Kandus, N-MSK adaptive modulation techniques in slow Rayleigh fading channel, (COST 259 TD(2000)/27), Valencia, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14768679]

3. Tomaž Javornik, Igor Ozimek, Gorazd Kandus, Surface local traffic localisation via satellite systems road transport systems, overview, (Report, HE-RP-IJS-003-WP5-L1), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15765543]

4. Monika Kapus-Kolar, A broader perspective on service-based synthesis of two-party protocols, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8191), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15337767]

5. Mihael Mohorčič, Adaptive routing in ISL networks : STSM report, (COST 252 TD(00)/02), Kjeller, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14770215]

6. Mihael Mohorčič, STSM report, (COST 253 TD(00)/02), Kjeller, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14769959]

7. Mihael Mohorčič, Uroš Drčić, Gorazd Kandus, Identification of broadband multimedia services and required QoS parameters, (Report, HE-RP-IJS-001-WP5-T1), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15765799]

8. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Simulation tool for performance evaluation of adaptive routing algorithms in ISL networks : part 2, (COST 253 TD(00)/04), Kjeller, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14769191]

9. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Markus Werner, Performance evaluation of adaptive ISL routing in uniform traffic load conditions, (COST 253 TD(00)/007), Ljubljana, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15041831]

10. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Markus Werner, Performance evaluation of adaptive routing in ISL networks, (COST 252 TD(00)/03), Kjeller, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14768935]

11. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Markus Werner, Performance evaluation of traffic adaptive routing in non-geostationary satellite systems with ISLs, (COST 257 TD(00)/09), Barcelona, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14769447]

12. Roman Novak, Zahteve za varno komuniciranje v sistemu KZZ, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8250), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15079975]

13. Roman Novak, Viktor Avbelj, Gorazd Kandus, Odpornost kartice zdravstvenega zavarovanja in profesionalne kartice na vdor z metodo analize moči - razvita materialna oprema in avtomatizacija zajemanja testnih zvorcev : poročilo 1. faze projekta, Ljubljana, Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15791911]

14. Roman Novak, Gorazd Kandus, Odpornost kartice zdravstvenega zavarovanja in profesionalne kartice na vdor z metodo analize moči - rezultati analize : poročilo 2. faze projekta, Ljubljana, Zavod za zdravstveno zavarovanje Slovenije, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15792167]

15. Srečo Plevel, Tomaž Javornik, Roman Trobec, Gorazd Kandus, Igor Ozimek, Chirp FFT v zbirnem jeziku na procesorju TMS320c44, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8267), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15282983]

16. Srečo Plevel, Tomaž Javornik, Roman Trobec, Gorazd Kandus, Igor Ozimek, Viterbijev algoritem za SALMS, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8268), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15283239]

17. Marjeta Pučko, Jože Rugelj, Gorazd Kandus, Mihael Mohorčič, Telemetry, telecommand and control subsystem for the HeliNet platform : definition of data structures and protocols, (Report, HE-RP-IJS-001-WP3-SS2), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15765287]

18. Jože Rugelj, Bojan Močnik, Virtualna učilnica - izobraževanje na daljavo : zaključno poročilo projekta, (IJS delovno pročilo, 8274), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15338023]

19. Aleš Švigelj, Comparison of OPNET and BONeS designer simulation tools : STSM report, (COST 252 TD(00)/01), Kjeller, European Cooperation in the Field of Scientific and Technical Research, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14769703]

20. Roman Trobec, Gregor Pipan, Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Poredoš, Janez Polajnar, Študija prenosa meteoroloških podatkov v okolju mobilnih komunikacij, (IJS delovno poročilo, 8328), 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15630631]


3.13 Organiziranje znanstvenih in strokovnih sestankov

1. Member of the programme committee: Roman Trobec, ParNum 2000, International Workshop on Parallel Numerics 2000, September 18-20, Bratislava, Slovak Republic, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15359271]

3.14 Predavanje na tuji univerzi

1. Gorazd Kandus, HeliNet : network of stratospheric platforms for traffic monitoring, environmental surveillance and broadband services : invited talk, Leeds, Leeds Metropolitan University, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15772711]

3.15 Prispevek na konferenci brez natisa

1. Mihael Mohorčič, Aleš Švigelj, Gorazd Kandus, Markus Werner, Performance evaluation of adaptive routing algorithms in ISL networks : presented at Networking 2000, IFIP-TC6/European Commission, Paris, France, Cité des Sciences, La Villette, May 14-19, 2000, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15042087]



1. G. Okša, ur., Roman Trobec, ur., Parallel numerics, ParNum 2000 : proceedings of the International Workshop, Bratislava Slovakia, September 18-20, 2000, Salzburg, Department of Informatics, Mathematical Institute, Slovak Academy of Sciences, Institute of Scientific Computing, University of Salzburg Jakob Haringer, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 15357991]

2. Parallel and distributed computing practices, Trobec Roman (član uredniškega odbora 1998-), Commack, Nova Science Publishers, 1998-. [COBISS.SI-ID 13154599]

Komentor pri magistrskih delih

1. Aleš Švigelj, Usmerjanje prometa v negeostacionarnih satelitskih telekomunikacijskih omrežjih : magistrska naloga, Ljubljana, [A. Švigelj], 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 1796436]

Pisec recenzij

1. [Thirteenth] 2000 IEEE/IFIP Network Operations and Management Symposium "The Networked Planet: Management and Beyond, April 2000, Honolulu, Hawaii, USA: Robert Weihmayer, James W. Hong, ur., NOMS 2000, Piscataway, IEEE, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 14942759]

2. Jože Rugelj, Programski jeziki in programiranje, 1. izd., Ljubljana, Pedagoška fakulteta, 2000. [COBISS.SI-ID 110535936]

3. Journal of systems architecture, Robič Borut (pisec recenzij 1996-), Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1997-), Amsterdam, Lausanne, New York, Oxford, Shannon, Tokyo, Elsevier, 1996-, ISSN 1383-7621. [COBISS.SI-ID 2687254]

4. Informatica, Šilc Jurij (pisec recenzij 1997-), Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1997-), Ljubljana, Slovensko društvo Informatika, 1977-, ISSN 0350-5596. [COBISS.SI-ID 746244]

5. Parallel computing, Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1997-), Amsterdam, North-Holland, ISSN 0167-8191. [COBISS.SI-ID 26095360]

6. Parallel processing letters, Trobec Roman (pisec recenzij 1995-), Singapore, World Scientific, ISSN 0129-6264. [COBISS.SI-ID 3280679]

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